Thursday, December 07, 2006

unintended hiatus

Wow, I didn't expect to be gone from blogging for this long. I like blogging. I like the purging feeling it gives me of letting everything go, laying it all out on paper (or the screen), and being done with it. I like focusing on the funny little things that happen everyday. And I like sharing stuff with my friends who read this thing, all three of you. I like blogging, until stuff starts happening that is so far beyond my control, that I don't even know what to say. And that has been the last two months. I still don't really know what to say. But I guess I need to get it out there. So, in just a few words: my mom died of lung and brain cancer a few weeks ago, my daughter is quitting college to enlist in the Air Force, and I got a big promotion into a position that I know nothing about. Cool. That's out of the way now.

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