I am sooooo excited! On Friday we received E's acceptance letter to Berry College. I had already determined that Berry would be the perfect college for E to attend. Luckily, she is agreeing with me. Some of the characteristics that make it such a good fit are:
1. It's small, only around 2,000 students.
2. It has a great school of education.
3. It is picturesque and in a small town.
4. It has conservative values (it is Christian-based).
5. It has a cross country and track team.
6. It places a strong emphasis on work. (Academic work, of course, but here I'm talking about employment and work experience while still in school.)
Obviously there are other factors, but I won't bore you with all the nitty-gritty details.
Last night we received her scholarship letter. Her attendance at Berry was hinging on whether or not she would be awarded enough money. Well, suffice it to say that the dollar amount was exactly what we needed. Lookout, Berry College, here we come!
A few other interesting facts that I discovered about Berry:
1. It's online library website is
boysen.berry.edu (hahahaha, that's cute!)
2. It has received financial contributions from Henry Ford and the Ford Foundation (Henry Ford was also responsible for building up The Hill.)
3. It is the largest contiguous college campus in the world. Yes, I said IN THE WORLD!
4. Deer outnumber the students by a ratio of 7 to 1.
Today I am officially a PROUD MOMMY!